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7:52 PM
7:52 PM
Value of the Rare Disease Market
people suffer from a rare disease
of the 10,000 rare diseases have no treatment option today
The average likelihood of Clinical trial success from Phase 1 to approval is twice as high for rare diseases (17%) versus all diseases (8%).
There are 10,000 rare diseases with an average market size of $150M. Traditional pharma corporations are such large and complex institutions that they need a $1B+ TAMs to even begin exploring a disease. The same is true for a traditional VC backed bi...
First we confirm that yeast have an ancestral version of a human disease gene. Because yeast have been poked and prodded in the lab for decades, many of the rare disease genes we seek to model in yeast have already been studied.
We have had great success with a 8,400-compound drug repurposing library called TargetMol, which offers a wide selection of clinically actionable compounds including generic drugs and over-the-counter supplements/nutraceuticals.
In almost all cases we can leverage already existing yeast avatars that were generated and characterized by academic labs, sometimes as long as two decades ago. When necessary, we can dial in a specific mutation at practically any location in the yeast genome using gene engineering techniques that predate CRISPR-Cas9.
Total SupplyCuretopia captures value by leveraging the power of a decentralized and mission-driven community to tackle the $1 trillion rare disease market, which has long been overlooked by traditional pharmaceutical companies and VC-backed biotech startups. Usi...
Perlara Substack
Perlara Substack
Perlara Substack