

Genomics ResearchLiquid DAO

Accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research and CRISPR. Partnering with labs to design and optimize CRISPR-Cas9 experiments, we’re fostering a decentralized ecosystem for cutting-edge research. NuDAO empowers a global community of scientists, supporters, and token holders to direct funding and governance in the emerhign field of genomics.

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Market Hypothesis

$16.5 Billion

CRISPR Gene Editing Market Value by 2028


CRISPR therapies approved by FDA only so far

$500 Billion

in saved healthcare systems costs annually through personalized medicine

CRISPR and emerging genetic technology have massive potential yet the research is progressing too slowly and worthy science isn’t getting funding.

We're building a revolutionary way to fund and advance CRISPR research through a groundbreaking two-token system. $NUDAO holders govern research priorities, funding, and value distribution, ensuring every decision is strategic, real-time, and communi...

Team & Community
Julia Dovga

Julia Dovga

Researcher at Francis Crick Institute

Senior Research Scientist in Cancer Dynamics Group...

Emmanuel Bijaoui

Emmanuel Bijaoui

Dementia & Microbiome researcher

Founder & CEO @ Treat Therapeutics (Pet CRO), prev Dementia & Microbiome researcher...



AI Dev.

Partner at AI16Z ...

M. Neslişah Suiçmez

M. Neslişah Suiçmez

Genetics & Bio Engineer

Founder of DeSci Turkiye ...

@Nuclease_DAO on 𝕏

Discord community

Telegram community