BIO Genesis Auction

Total Value Swapped
Auction Limit

Get BIO - Your gateway drug to DeSci

Swap DeSci Tokens for BIO. Learn more about BIO and the protocol here.

How BIO Genesis works
Buy bioDAO Tokens
Swap bioDAO tokens for BIO
Claim BIO when Genesis ends
During each round of BIO Genesis, multiple auctions will run in parallel, one for each eligible bioDAO token. Each auction will have a cap, limiting the amount of that token that can be swapped for BIO. Once a token's cap is reached, no new deposits will be accepted for that given token. At the conclusion of the Genesis Event, 50% of BIO generated will be unlocked immediately, with 50% unlocking linearly over 1 year. BIO will be non-transferable for a period of time after BIO Genesis concludes, after which BIO governance can vote to make the token transferable.

Genesis Details

Total Swapped
Total BIO Available


AddressTimeTokenAmountAmount USD

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